Emmet Fox E Studies


Emmet Fox E- Courses help us to follow the spiritual path to wholeness.

All Courses Given are based on the teachings of:
Dr. Emmet Fox & early new thought pioneers.

(In order to absorb the details of these teachings, each course is
offered individually with a minimum of a at least one month,
before advancing to a second study.  This is in keeping with the teachings of
Emmet Fox).



1. The Golden Key Study Course:  

 For More Information Click Here


2. The Meaning of The Bible 

 A Vintage Ten Lesson Home Study Course By Dr. Ernest Holmes & Dr. Fletcher Harding
The Story of Creation, The Teaching & The Law of Moses, The Prophecies & the Promises, 
Liberty Under Law, Jesus, the Fulfillment of the Law, He Taught Us How To Pray,
The Great Physician, The Law of Abundance, The Love That Gives & Forgives, and
The Eternal Here & The Everlasting Now

 $20.00  Fee
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3. Demonstrate Prosperity Now 

A three part mini course to achieve a prosperity consciousness
The study include: a consciousness of opulence, Positive thought patterns, The law of giving and receiving, Overcoming lack and limitation, Keys to success, What is tithing and breaking the bonds of bondage.
For Study Testimony  Click Here

 $15.00  Fee
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4. Demonstrate Health & Wholeness Now       

A three part mini course for health awareness
Based on the teachings of:
 Dr. Emmet Fox and his mentor Dr. J. Porter Mills, MD.

This mini study is for students with some knowledge of New Thought Teachings.  

The study includes:  Steps to Health and Wholeness, Treatment, The Silence,
The Power of Thought, The Sense Consciousness, Contacting the Life Force Within.
An overview of the study of man, and his relation to his body, the universe & God

There are no  questions to be answered but three conscious raising assignments for you to work with. 

$15.00  Fee
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5. Your Undiscovered Power - Ten Easy Steps To Better Living.

A Vintage Home Study Course By Dr. Ernest Holmes from 1943

Your Undiscovered Power is a study that comes along once in a lifetime.  Drawing on the wisdom of Dr. Ernest Holmes, it tells how you can raise your consciousness right now and master the keys to better living.  These ten lessons are a powerful exposition of Truth principles, but they are also a guide book explaining the superpowers by which you can perfect yourself as a child of God, and direct your steps with a new energy and optimism as you face each new day.

Subjects for study include: 
You and your mind.  How your thinking controls your health.  How your thinking controls your finances. Re-building your life. Training for Power. Power through Directed Emotions. The Personality That Pays. Finding Life's Riches. New and Higher Roads to Power. And Better Living Now

 It matters not if you are a student of Religious Science, Unity, Divine Science, any other religious discipline, or no religious discipline what so ever, this study, will make a profound shift in consciousness and will change your life forever!  This is a commitment to personal growth, that one must devote time to for manifested results.

Dr. Holmes directed his students to:
1. Read the lessons text daily.  2. Work on the weeks activity completely.  3. Respond to all of the questions at the end of the week for self growth. There are no comments or replies to the questions answered, since there are no right or wrong answers.  This course is a life changing experience provided you put the time into it.

$30.00  Fee
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6. Emmet Fox's The Beatitudes, (The Keys To Happiness)
From:  The Sermon on the Mount

     A study covering the metaphysical and psychological interpretation of the
 Be-Attitudes - based on the teachings of Emmet Fox

This Self Study, Self Growth E-Course, will open the door to your mind with the dynamic keys incorporated in the Beatitudes.  These lessons will give you the tools to change any self-defeating thought habits into powerful thought patterns, it will enable you to make positive changes in your life, changing your consciousness, thereby, changing your world. This study will help you to remove negative thoughts, become more aware of your God-self, and put you on the path to higher spiritual awareness.

 $30.00 Fee
Once materials are sent there are no refunds  

7. Your Mind and How to Use It 


It is not enough merely to have a sound mind—one must also learn how to use it, if he would become mentally efficient.
Twenty Two lessons.  Topics include:  What is the mind.  Consciousness.  Memory.  The Emotions.  Feelings. Passion.  Perception, and more.



8. Mystic Christianity The Inner Teachings of the Master  


1. The Coming of the Master - 2. The Mystery of the Virgin Birth - 3. The Mystic Youth of Jesus
4. The Beginning of the Ministry - 5. The Foundation of the Work- 6. The Work of Organization
7. The Beginning of the End - 8. The End of the Life Work - 9. The Inner Teachings
10. The Secret Doctrine 11. The Ancient Wisdom - 12. The Message of the Master 


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