Notes form some of the students



I have truly loved this mini study. I began to see changes immediately. Here are five: 1. I learned that my unemployment, which I had expected to run out Feb 28, has been extended to April 10! 2. I found a close parking place. 3. For the first time ever, I went to the gym every single day and I met every goal. 4. My marriage has taken a turn for the better. 5. What is the most fantastic for me is that I believe again in the Source and Infinite possibilities that are God in my life. There is no limit to my prosperity. Thank you. Lanaya

This opened my eyes to the laws of prosperity.  In just three short lessons I gained enough information to put me on the road to prosperous living.  Now I have to work in thought.  This all makes sense to me now.  Thank you for offering this. Joe from New York

Thank you! The Emmet Fox materials about prosperity are so helpful, like a chiropractic adjustment for the mind. Jeanette

Thank you so much for allowing me to participate in the mini prosperity workshop. It has helped me tremendously in the last three weeks. Its like someone came into the room and turned the Light on. The affirmations, the prayers and the contract has been the perfect way for me to improve my conscious contact with God. I love reading the contract over again throughout the day so when my mind and ego take me from that contact I can go back and read it and it helps me to get to that place again. By the time the 30 days are over I am hopeful that I will be able to rise to that consciousness easier. I also placed the cards throughout my house and car and look forward to their reminders. I lost my P/T job a couple of days ago and for about 20 minutes I was devastated, then I remembered "Blessings come in expected and unexpected ways" so I was able to look at that situation as a blessing to invest more time and energy into my real estate and my own business. The next day I woke up and had a "thought and a fire come over me" to expand my rental database and I went driving around and starting calling "for rent" signs that weren't with realtors and I got three new listings in a day which would generate more in the end that I would make in a month at the PT job. In fact it could become very lucrative because nobody in my area has a handle on the rental market so "There is NO LIMIT TO MY PROSPERITY" and "I do not worry because with complete faith I know the Senior Partner will inspire me, give me ideas, supply every need and do all things right". WOW Very Powerful "resourceful" information. I am so grateful and excited. :) Stephanie

The course has helped me greatly in my thinking by giving me another available option to use my mind and focus my thoughts higher than my circumstances; so I give THANKS. -In addition to my unemployment my body is appearing with a disease. But THANKS to this course, I'm learning how to not focus on the disease and to focus on consciousness. I am extremely grateful and happy I was blessed with this course. Abundance comes in so many forms not just the tangible-money. THANKS, THANKS, THANKS. Sandra

I am just completing this mini study and I am quite delighted with the material.  I am thinking about my life and my prosperity, as a woman in new and wonderful ways.  I am using affirmative prayers and I am very hopeful about the success.  This was for me, a wonderful opportunity.  Thank you.  Nasha

I now realize with clarity that my prosperity comes not from what I do in the outer but what I am thinking within.  I identified with the section which discussed placing the spending emphasis on the wrong things.  I knew this, but I did not want to actually realize it and change it.  These three lessons gave me a great deal to think about with regards to making positive changes in my focus and my spending.  I enjoyed the read and did get a great deal out of it.  Thank you.  Carlo

Thank you, this study has been illuminating.  It made me realize that I was spending money to please others and in essence I was addicted, years ago, to buying and spending to fill a need of seeking family love.  Spending lots of money made  me feel temporarily good about myself, and I could never seem to get ahead financially.  I did a great deal of thinking and I feel I can now move forward.  Rose.

The daily exercise of repeating positive affirmations definitely has improved my present situation, and the realization that
God, the source of all, is within me always.  A Student.

I am sorry this course is over. I have had a better attitude the past 3 weeks than I can ever remember having. I feel empowered , grateful and hopeful that my thinking is changing and will continue to change. I have been fearful and sad for most of my life. Wanted you to know that I won 2 airfare tickets to Ireland. I have never been on a plane, and have never been any further than New York. Always wanted to be able to go someplace before I died. Their is no limit to my prosperity. Sincerely. Lee D.

I have just completed the prosperity program and I want to say thank you.  I enjoyed it and got a great deal out of it.  I feel very inspired that I will  move forward in in the area of my prosperity.  Thank you for offering it and for the terrific job you all do here. Marc

I love my position at my new job and gave it my all.  After, I signed on with the prosperity program,  I worked it diligently.  I had never used affirmations before, and I gained a great deal of new concepts about the way I was thinking.  I even made my first tithe.  I kept working with the prosperity concepts and the Golden Key.  I accepted and expected all good in my life and continued to affirm my dream of owning my own company.  This note is to share the demonstration of my life long dream. Sales under my direction raised significantly since I took this position, and because of this, the owner of the company, who is considering semi-retirement, offered me a full partnership this week, without need for financial investment. This is my personal miracle.  My heart is full of gratitude.  I am filled with joy and I feel the presence of God in my life.  Thank you for being part of my dream.  Thank you God. Sandy

I found your course summary most enjoyable and have made a copy for my bag, to read at those available moments that present themselves. Thank you once again. Love Dee-ann

It was liberating to understand and see clearly that my true lineage is not of the flesh but of the divine - the meaning of a child of God - and as a result there is nothing that I cannot share in the gifts of life. This has altered my inner state profoundly ... thank you. Soo Hwa

I loved this program.  It was just enough for me to incorporate and absorb in my busy schedule.  More than that, and most important, is that it is already working for me.  These lessons started me thinking in a different direction about my business and myself. I began using the affirmations and started tithing.  I saw amazing results.  My company which has been at a total standstill this year just gained two new clients with a prospect of another, with no special efforts from me. Thank you for offering this material, it gave me the tools I need to work with at this time and was a wake up call that I am prosperous in all areas of my life, because I am a child of God.  The partnership agreement  enabled me to accept with conviction the fact that God is working in all areas of my business and my life.  Many blessings to you to. Zan

I have enjoyed the course very much, and found it to be full of deep, rich information and teaching. During these three weeks new awareness's have come to me; it seemed like Spirit was working overtime to help me advance in consciousness. I was especially struck by the statement, "There is no law of poverty . . .."I am very grateful that you offered this course. I can testify to the fact that, although I have been in New Thought for about thirty years, I still gained new insights from this class. I have studied numerous times all the books by Catherine Ponder, Florence Scovel Shinn and others, and I still had a deeper understanding opened up to me through the Emmet Fox material. Of course, our consciousness at the time determines how much we can receive. With love and gratitude. Rev. Eleanor, Unity

I want to say thank you for providing these outstanding prosperity courses.  Andrew

I like the idea that this study was in three parts.  I can take these concepts, which were very powerful to me, and work with them without feeling overwhelmed.  As Emmet Fox once said, "keep it simple."  I believe this is how we achieve.  This in itself is a lesson.  I got a lot from the personal assignments, which I am continuing to work with.  I now accept my prosperity, thank you for this.  Al

May I take this opportunity to thank you for the wonderful course material. It really gets one thinking, especially if you are not accustomed to thinking this way. I know that when I leave this body I will take nothing with me but my thoughts and
and that will be the only thing I have of this world ( earth) . In light of this statement I found the Partnership Agreement with GOD had an enormous impact on me ..... because I had something tangible , a written agreement which can be perused at
any time. Thank you. Dee

I want to say thank you for providing this outstanding prosperity courses. It gives me a great deal to think about.  Ken

I  now realize that I was placing my energies on the wrong things and thus could not seem to experience the success I have been looking for.  Now I have a new awareness and I feel God actively working through me. I have now replaced my old thoughts with new thoughts regarding abundance and supply, and I feel I am on my way. Formally a teacher, I know the work and effort that goes into putting a program such as this together.  I give the course an A+.  Thank you for all your efforts here and for sharing this.  Patrick

As I sat and read this I became aware that this time I understood the message in a new way. I have looked at this idea before but all of the events of the past week have helped me to see this message in a new light. Thank you for being a part of the perfect plan of my vision being brightened by the light of God! ~ amy

These lessons have gotten me though a rough time.  They gave me hope and understanding.  I had never before given a tithe except my regular donation each week at church services. The basket passes and you give since its the right thing to do to keep the church going, but to just give to God other than that, was something I never thought deeply about, nor was giving to myself.  I had been in the midst of a financial crunch.  After going over lesson two, I gave a small tithe and blessed it.  I know God said thank you when I received an unexpected check, a gift from my brother, who heard I was out of work.  I  wrote another check to God yesterday, and today my company called me back to work. I am working with the affirmative prosperity affirmations and for the first time I see some light shining in an area of my life that has been very dark. Thank you for three inspiring lessons.  Brad

I received lesson three. What a thrill. The body of the work is very inspiring. After you read it you say, oh yeah, that's right. I am so glad they reminded me. This makes so much sense, how can I incorporate this in my life. You start thinking about the truth, the treatments, affirmations. You set up a time for the homework and you are really getting things done. You are doing all of this and not neglecting the other responsibilities you have, but things are starting to work. You start looking up the people that are mentioned in the body of the work to see what they have to say. And then you are awed at the greatness, at the simplicity of truth. You can close your eyes and take a deep breath of relief and say how wonderful, my past no longer exists. I feel so renewed, so young and so light. Opportunities you now know are infinite. Life is a great gift.  Sarah

I am receiving  so many insights and spiritual benefits from the Prosperity Course.  Spirit is really working in my being.  Thank you for your loving sense of Truth.  Rev. Eleanor.

This material is helping me focus on demonstrating my prosperity.  I feel confident that I have a clearer understanding of how to attract supply in my life.  John

Thank you so much for this lesson. It helped increase my faith in my ability to demonstrate what I desire. I have attached my partnership agreement. Mayra

Lesson 1 has turned my world upside down. Now I am getting used to thinking I am prosperous. As a matter of fact after doing the 25x exercise, I have more energy and I am realizing all the errors in thought and words that I have been making. Now I can correct them. It is a matter of becoming conscious of the truth and using that truth in everyday life. Sarah

My partnership agreement with God gave me a solid realization that God and I are one.  I can now see that I can be successful, healthy, and experience all the gifts of God.  Before I knew it but could not actually feel it.  Now I feel it.  Doing the assignment made it all real.  Alice.

I have been treating for more business to come into my company instead of treating for the money needed to run my company.  I  have tons of work and lots of businesses not paying me.  Lesson two made me realize that I was treating and praying for my abundance incorrectly.  I have changed my treatments and affirmations regarding my business and I feel that I am now on the right track.  I see positive changes in myself doing the exercise in lesson one.  I could never seem to get into a routine of affirmations.  This I stuck with and continue using the exercise through lesson # 2.  Thanks.  Richard