Study Courses Are Now Always Available
On Line Fundamental Self Study
Lessons (Received by E-Mail)
Based Upon The Teachings of Dr. Emmet
A guide through the choices & challenges
of everyday life.
I The Golden Key Course
A Great fundamental study into the teachings of Dr. Emmet Fox and New Thought. Students will see the full value of these teachings when they put them to work in their lives. In their studies, students learn and reflect on the ideas and beliefs of Dr. Emmet Fox along with the ideas and thoughts and of some of the outstanding leaders of New Thought. These include, but not limited to: Emma Curtis Hopkins, Dr. Porter Mills, Charles Fillmore, Horatio Dresser, F. L. Rawson, Nona Brooks and others. These are fundamental lessons. They will introduce you to: the study of man, God, life, and the science of living. The value of these lessons is to enable the student to demonstrate daily what Truth it. The lessons gives clear understanding between the right and wrong method of working mentally. It awakens the student to think rightly and systematically, that is to say how to pray in a scientific manner. It shows demonstrably what God is.
Subject Material
The lessons include: Consciousness, The Nature of God, Thoughts, Personality and Individuality, Prayer, The Bible, Silence-The inner world and Demonstration. There are no books to purchase for this study. All lesson material is provided. Since the program is written with the intent of soul growth in a progressive manner, it may be studied at your own pace. There will be no refunds.
Course Fee -
$50.00 You can pay via Paypal with the convenient payment buttons below.No certificate will be give upon completion of this self study course.
All material will be sent upon receipt of payment.
Work at your own pace!
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is for ONE student only sign up.
This pay now button cannot be used for multiple sign ups.
$50.00 Fee
Once materials are sent there are no refunds
What some of the students say about the course!
"This has been an amazing study for me. I feel as though I am on the right path and have awakened so much in my inner conscience. I feel more Christ like as I go about my day. I am feeling really great after completing the study."
Bonnie, Canada. GraduateThank you so very much. My life has changed and still continues to change; and I am thankful. God's-Blessings and Love, Dr. Mother K. Graduate
The Golden Key Lessons were a source of enlightenment to me. The teachings about God and what God is, the Power of Thought and it's dominance in life, the Bible and it's purpose in our lives, just to name a few have enabled me to differentiate clearly the Mind that is God's from the mind that is of the material world. I have been greatly helped through these studies. I regret the close of these sessions. Brenda. Graduate
This has been a wonderful experience. Having read a
few of Dr. Fox’s books it was truly powerful to learn more about his beliefs and
to be able to put them into action in my life. Through this course I have been
able to reconnect to God through the understanding of my true nature. Mark,
Hello: It pleases me to have
completed this study and learn more about the spiritual thoughts shared by Emmet
Fox and other wisdom teachers. I feel that I now how a good basic
understanding of Truth and can study on, with a richer understanding of this
teaching. The study comments sent to me were very valuable to my spiritual
growth. I enjoyed this course very much and will be taking others that are
offered. Sachi, India.
I very much enjoyed the lessons. The questions sometimes were quite a challenge and I had to think about them for a while. I have used the Golden Key every day when I left to visit my mother in Germany. It gave me peace of mind. Let me thank you very much for putting this together and making it available for Dr. Fox's students. I will restudy them again and again. Kristina, MI. Graduate
I must send off
this note to say the Golden Key Study was a golden study indeed. Rich with
information that put my thinking in the right direction. Excellent study
with excellent information. Thank you. Brett Australia.
I have experienced a real change in
perspective as a result of this course. I pray differently. I focus on my
breath, and just sit in stillness, and KNOW that God and I are One. I affirm the
Truth (God and I are one, or I am ONE with God) and sit in that knowing.
Marilyn, New York.
This was an opportunity for me to grow
spiritually. With so little Truth or Emmet Fox teachings in this area of
the world, I gained so much knowledge from this course, I am very happy.
I feel closer to God now. I loved having a personal mentor throughout the
lessons. I will continue to study and hope one day to share these
teachings with others. I am pleased that I did this and was able to complete the
work. God bless. Mala, Singapore
During the study of this course, I
received a greater understanding of the use of the law of substitution. There is
no place that God is not, it is up to me to choose to realize Love where I had
previously chosen to see discord. I have always felt that Emmet Fox was a very
wise and dear friend. Your lessons conveyed well that sense of warmth, love, and
wisdom that I am certain were evident in the classes that Dr. Fox taught.
Anita, Arizona.
I loved doing the course. I feel it was a great achievement that I stuck to it even when it was difficult finding the time. I looked forward to getting the feed back in particular. The comments were very helpful and encouraging and I really felt supported. Thank you so much for the course I really enjoyed it and found it a crucial step in my spiritual growth. Joan, Ireland. Graduate
I more than enjoy this e-class, I felt these lessons came at a time in my life when I was feeling the stress of the economy, and questioning job and personal security. This reinforced the Truth, that we are children of God with complete access to all that we need in life. I read a great deal, but this was the light that was turned on inside of me. I suddenly felt as though I had the Golden Key to what these teachers have been writing about over the years. The material covered was excellent and the personal replies took it over the top. Thank you many times over. With personal appreciation. Antonio, California. Graduate
This course has helped me to look at the world differently. I am now focused on all that is good in the world instead of dwelling on all that is wrong because these negative thoughts prevent demonstration. Yes, my life has changed since I started this course, I feel more calmer than before and I use affirmations now on daily basis. Thank you for the wonderful opportunity. I enjoyed every bit of it! May God bless you abundantly for sharing this knowledge with others. Matilda, New Jersey Graduate
Wonderful study, A wealth of information and enlightening feedback. Extremely well formatted. I give the course an A+. A sincere thank you. Arthur, UK Graduate
I feel that this study was useful in helping me to ‘stay
the course’. It has reinforced some truths and provided a new perspective on
others. Overall, I am more aware of the thoughts I keep and am able to ‘shift
gears’ more often than some weeks ago. Even though I am quite busy, I feel that
the time invested was well worth my while. Thank you so very much for enriching
my life and helping me on my life’s journey. Marcia, New Jersey
I can only say that I have loved this study so much. I don’t know many people here in Australia who are Truth seekers, and it was so wonderful to have the study, the questions, and the comments. I have done some study, but was unable to “move the mountain” so to speak. One the best things that for me has come out of this study is the blessings of patience, and the experiences of highest good. Running a small gourmet cottage business with my husband has given me so many opportunities to put into practice the Presence of God within me. Our business has taken a wonderful turn for the better, and even my husband’s nature is different. Well, we know that he is the same, but I sure see him in a higher different light! That is about as specific as I can get about my good, as I am still letting it “jell”. Thank you to everyone who has commented and helped me on these lessons. I am sad they are over! Valerie, Australia Graduate
"For me, this course was one of the
more helpful studies in my quest for a greater awareness of God and my purpose.
It contained information and answers to questions that I have been searching a
long time to uncover. In some sense it was an epiphany for me. The feedback to
my answers was very illuminating, professional, encouraging and helpful.
Thanks!!!!" Richard, Virginia
"The course for me has been all about seeing the Absolute Goodness of God and practicing claiming Oneness with Him in the face of common, everyday circumstances. I am a dynamic force, God moves through me. I am the son." Brian, New York Graduate
"These lessons have been very informative and
enlightening. I have looked forward to receiving each and everyone with a new
hope and greater faith. Although I do not like to write, I have found answering
the questions a great gift, it helps me bring the answers out; to verbalize is
one thing, but there a greater power in the written word. The highlight for me
is understanding how important silence is and I now also understand
demonstrating and I am able to recognize it. I have great faith that this course
will serve as a springboard to greater faith and understanding on my path to
spiritually." Wayne, Canada Graduate
"I loved
it! I've grown intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually through
devoting myself to these lessons. The comments that I've received concerning my
answers to each lesson's questions, have been every bit as good as the lessons
themselves. I believe that I've been blessed by going through this course -- I
feel it, and believe it. I firmly believe that my growth will continue to expand
and extrapolate in wondrous ways. Thank you, one and all, for an excellent
course. May God continue to heap blessings on each and every one of you." Jim,
Florida Graduate
"In a general way what I have experienced in studying this Golden Key Course is a firming up of my belief in the power of thought. I have been really positively impacted by the simplicity of presentation and by the doing of the work...I have been able to forgive someone who I had been frustrated and angry with for a very long time by 'Golden Keying' them, by reminding myself that God loves them the same as God loves me. It is not my place to sit in judgment of anyone. I have truly appreciated the feedback on my responses, it is another opportunity to think through the material, sometimes from a slightly different perspective. I found this very valuable. I really looked forward to each lesson. THANK YOU! for all the effort that went into the creation of the course and the commitment to the follow up. I know that this learning is going to serve me well in the coming months and years." Debbie, Canada Graduate
"I believe that these lesson are very good and that more people need this kind of training because no church that I have been to has offered as much help to improve my life." James, North Carolina Graduate
"Hello. I am now taking the Golden Key Study and am quite delighted. What opportunity would I have to explore the teaching of Truth and Emmet Fox? The only written material I have is "The Golden Key." I am on my second lesson in the study series and I find my mind opening and thoughts about life and God flowing. Thank you for this study opportunity." Nasha, Pakistan
"I have so valued this intensive study, and most particularly the comments offered to my answers. I read and re-read Dr. Fox's books and lessons, but having thoughts offered by those far more knowledgeable of his works, philosophy, and writings has been very special to me. I do feel, however, a need for more! Thank you so much for your thoughts, and your consideration through this study. I have evolved and grown in ways that I know will bless the remainder of my life, and hopefully the lives of others" . Renee, Texas Graduate
"This study is a perfect compliment to reading Dr. Fox’s books, in addition it expanded my knowledge of more teachers like; F.L. Rawson, Emma Curtis Hopkins, Malinda Cramer, Nona Brooks, Charles Fillmore and others. The questions were designed to open the mind to apply deep thoughts and feelings. The comments that were given by the “Golden Key Course” staff were just as important as the study guide itself. In many cases they provided a succinct but deeper understanding to the answers I gave. The Golden Key Course has raised my spiritual consciousness and has given me much more clarity of God and my relationship with him. I have studied a lot of motivational speakers/teachers and although they have their place in society, the real source within us is God. Even though the good teachers teach Godly principles, they present it in a secular way which misses the true mark. Most motivational teachers should review at least lesson #3. The complete Golden Key Course (and not just lesson #3), took me way beyond, personal will power, human affirmations, how to interact with people, goal setting, etc. The Golden Key Course has taken me deep in my soul and spirit. I cannot say that I no longer fear, but I can say I no longer dwell there. As my spiritual consciousness grows I am thrilled to know that God is Omnipresence, Omnipotent and Omniscience. I see God only in the Seven Main Aspects, by Dr. Emmet Fox. I read the bible and talk to people knowing that God is light, there can be no darkness. I am motivated to manifest God’s will because of my Love for him and not because I fear him. This course has helped me interact with others in a very different way. Although I am a nice person, my self talk and even sometimes my mouth would think/say things I later wished I hadn’t. Today, I am more patient. My spirit looks for the spirit in others. Our Godly spirit is eternal, and that is more important than what I see in this physical world. That is not to say I do not want things in this world, it is to say I understand that my manifestations are from my spirit and for the spirit of others. My prayers and meditation (lesson #4) are more relaxed and not always sprinkling “thanks” in between my asking God for this or that. When I ask today, it is mostly for wisdom. I will go over this course again along with reading other material. I hope to be a part of future classes to further my spiritual growth and continue to manifest God will forever. Thank you for your time and effort in this program. It is an honor and a pleasure for me to be a recipient of your manifestation of God’s will." Robert, GA. Graduate
"Your comments have meant as much to me as the lesson plan and the reading of Dr. Fox books. It enables me to take my understanding of a topic to a greater level. Thank you for sharing your time, patience, and knowledge. God Bless". Bob
"This was a wonderful introduction into
New Thought for me. I read a book here and there but now I have a real
concept of the Truth teachings and I can move forward with understanding from
here. It clearly gave me the basic tools to work with in thought. It
was excellent study all the way through. Well done. I am glad I
signed in." TJ in the UK.
Anne Frank once said, 'Everyone has
inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how
great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your
potential is!' I came to this realization first by discovering the teaching of
Dr. Fox and next by taking this basic study, which has inspired me and given me
valuable tools to understand who I really am, and how great my potential really
is. Thanks for the boost in consciousness." Jess, USA.
"This course combined with your guidance have been a remarkable blessing for me." Mark, Texas
"Realizing the Presence of God in me
has made me and is making me shine from the inside out and from the outside in.
I feel very calm, peaceful, and happy and fulfilled these days, knowing that God
is always in business no matter what. Uncovering and learning about the Truth
Principles in the Golden Key Study Course have had an overwhelming impact on my
life." Gunilla, Sweden.
"This course has taught me that I must
control my emotions. What you are teaching, I have been thinking about for a
long time, so I feel I have been led to this course. I have been interested in
Emmet Fox teachings for some time, I have one of his books. This course has
reminded me that all answers are within myself. I am so grateful to realize
every day that God is within me and in all that I do, and that I am not alone."
Carmen, United Kingdom.
"I am celebrating Life with calm confidence and assurance that Spirit directs me in all my ways. I am grateful for this study program and for its insights. As I am come close to completion I want to thank you for presenting it. " Marc
"This study brought me closer to God and taught me
how to deal with situations in my life and the feelings associated with them. I
was introduced to Emmett Fox a few years back with a book study on the Sermon on
the Mount, which changed my life significantly. When God presented me with this
study, I was so grateful to receive such a gift and very excited because I have
found that the closer I get to God, the better my life gets. This study brought
everything into prospective and brought me peace. I enjoyed getting feedback to
my answers, which enhanced this course tenfold.
Thank you
for the opportunity to experience this enlightening course"
Nancy B, Florida.
"I am pleased to have completed the Golden Key Study and I feel quite good. I learned a great deal. It was like having a personal mentor. It brought more of the Fox teachings into the light for me. I am very glad that I signed on. God Bless." Geo, Sweden. Graduate
"This study has been wonderful for me. Many of the concepts I already knew, however, this study reminded me of some things and also taught me some new ones, like the silence. I would really like to start doing that. This is very interesting to me, this brings me a lot of hope and peace. These lessons have given me more faith and more hope. I have been changed in the sense that I feel now that I have control over my life and do not have to live in bondage any more, that I am not just drifting and being a victim of the circumstances." Sonia, Ecuador. Graduate
"I want to write and tell you how much I am getting out of this study course. With hardly anything available on New Thought in my area, this for me is a blessing. I am getting good understanding of the fundamentals of Truth and the teachings of Dr. Fox. I am loving the study and I hope there will be others." Mari, India
"I have very deeply appreciated this course. It has been a wonderful way for me to keep my focus on the highest good and the important matters of life. The wish for deep inner peace is my highest priority. So often the world can reflect to us less than the truth and it is a challenge to stay focused on the Divine Principles which underlie all of life and it's workings. This course has helped me to deepen my Faith and understanding and to express it regularly. It's been a great gift to me. I will miss this course but know that the Divine will always send me what I need at the proper time." Carol, Washington. Graduate
"This has been a great course on the Golden Key. Even though I have read many of Dr. Fox’s books, this course has stated the main key points with clarity and expanding them further for a deeper understanding of the truths he wrote about. I am so grateful for the Golden Key lessons and the work you continue to do with Dr. Fox’s teachings." Loretta, West Virginia. Graduate
"One thing I got from the course is that we are always demonstrating. So if we are not manifesting what we consciously choose we need to pray deeper and clearer." Rev. Melinda, New York. Graduate
"I loved this study. And I loved what was written at the end. We want to get better fast, we want to change quickly, we want more books to read, but that message just hit home, reread the books you have, work with what you have. Give thanks for what you have and what we used to tell each other in high school : 'Keep on pluggin’. Well, it is not goodbye my dears, but farewell. I will keep in touch and I love and appreciate all that you are doing. You and the whole group are in my prayers. I cannot thank you enough, because there has been great improvement. If you’re ever in my neighborhood, look me up. I am in the Italian Alps. Thank you one and all, and I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. My prayers continue. Lovingly yours, Sarah, Italy " Graduate
"This course has been and will be a dramatic learning experience in my personal journey of recovery and spirituality. One is not possible without the other and one must be assured by a continued growth and nurturing of the other. Dr. Fox has brought a very powerful and practical method of building an intimate relationship with God to many people. I am very grateful to have his message, through this course in my life. Thank you very much." Patrick, Connecticut. Graduate
"I have been focusing a lot on these lessons and have been enjoying them greatly. I feel I have grown in a richer understanding of our oneness with God and all His creations. I have been practicing the Presence of God but the lessons have added to the depth of my quest. My sense of peace is greater. I appreciate life more. I love this study. As I applied what I have learned here, I have realized how often we must be reminded that Life is eternal and that we are to live in the NOW. No matter how much you have learned there is more to learn and must be applied. We are to allow God to work through us. It is never too late, or you're never too old to learn of God's Love for us. I do find a greater sense of Peace and Joy within me. I am at peace with life. God Bless you!" Rev. Mary, Illinois. Graduate
"It's is hard to wrap up in a few paragraphs the gratitude I feel for having had the opportunity to work on and grow through these lessons. The principals Emmet taught, and these lessons are so simple, they require no effort, except simply changing my thoughts. And the more focused on God's presence the better. I can feel a sense of courage that I really have the 'answers' to whatever comes up in life. This is simply awesome, I mean really awesome. all I can say is thank you so much. I am eagerly awaiting the next series of lessons whenever you do them again. I sure wish this course was longer, it has really made me stay focused on my spiritual growth." Steve, Georgia Graduate
"As these lessons came to a close for me, it was a good time for me to take stock of the blessings I have in my life. This study helped me to take an honest spiritual inventory that will enable me to improve my business and my life. I have already begun putting into practice some of what I have learned. The basic steps in contacting the Christ Mind gave me clear understanding of the process. These steps are great. Thank you for a fine study". Austin, UK Graduate
"I just wanted to drop a line to say how much I am getting out of the Golden Key Study. As a pilot I rely on the air traffic controller to keep me on the beam, preventing possible collisions. I associate that with this study, it is keeping me on the beam mentally and spiritually, helping to protect me from those daily collisions that often come upon us. I am somewhat new to New Thought and Emmet Fox. The thirst has been great, I have been seeking and now I feel that I have found. I am looking at my life in a more constructive way, thanks guys!" Chris R, California
"Since I have began this study, I a drawing together the threads of various ideas and thoughts forming a positive pattern. I would often read and study a book with little underneath questioning. I now seem to have a deeper understanding of what I am reading. There are important points of Principle made clear, which are very important to my self-unfoldment. It's excellent, it's Emmet Fox and I am loving every lesson. I want to thank you all for making this available." Phillip, Michigan
"Truth has the amazing quality of expelling the false and illusory in its path, and I feel this is how this study has affected me in an experiential way. Sometimes a line or two would stick to the mind and work itself into the consciousness through the night so that by morning, a veil would lift and another insight reveals itself. In the process, it has established a stronger and more stable ground for my existence, for which I give the deepest thanks for the opportune timing of this course and for your wonderful care and loving support. Blessings to you for offering this course, for making truth available to those who are thirsty. As I drink, the heart is full of gratitude to every being who thinks, speaks and embodies the living divine truth, and pray that all beings will be led home to this essence soon, very soon. Thank you!" Soo Hwa, California Graduate
"I think this is a wonderful study! It
is practical and immediately useful to the student. It gives a thorough
grounding in Dr Fox's work and a firm and solid basis on which to continue on
with study and life. The feedback from the Rev's has been so kind and supportive
as well as critically helpful. I would without any hesitation at all recommend
the course to others." Brian, New York
"I believe I have read everything that
is on the market that Emmet Fox wrote. Yet, the lessons and the comments
returned with each lesson’s questions have been a tremendous inspiration to me.
Thank you for having this course and allowing me to be a part of it." Keith,
"This study was an eye
opener for me and has changed the way I used to think about God, and has
reacquainted myself and the Father within. These changes will enrich me.
I am looking foreword to the next course that is in the works. I want to thank
all of you who worked so hard to make this course available to us, so that we
all can grow and share with others. Much Love and Blessings." Willy, California.
"From Lesson #6, I was so glad to learn about the Inherences - I don't remember reading about them in this way before; it is really helpful." Brian, New York
"My cat Maja, 7 years old, which has never run away, just disappeared on August 14 and reappeared safe and sound on August 22. I just kept on praying very firmly and doing positive affirmations until she came back. Since I’d just learned about different kinds of prayer in lesson 4, I trusted that however we prayed and affirmed it was already answered. Thank God for prayer and the Golden Key is all I can say. I am most grateful and it is a very beautiful, humbling experience to know that God is always there wishing well for his creation. I also used the Affirmation for lesson 4 both for me and also putting Maja Cat’s name in there too. So this has been prayer and affirmation week, so appropriate when I was learning about prayer. Thank you for this wonderful course teaching us that God is our light and that God is an everlasting presence right there in our hearts all the time, a presence we can count on! "Gunilla, Sweden.
" Clearly understanding "The Nature Of God" has been very important to me. Even though I have read a number of New Thought books, I still, deep down in the depths of my mind, could not let Go of the idea of God being a person in heaven. I am able to understand and totally accept God as Universal Principle after these lessons. I finally got it, as they say. This became so real to me as I was writing my question answers. This is a huge awakening for me. It enables me to understand why I prayed and received no answers. I was praying amiss. I am re-reading the entire study with the answer comments for more understanding. Thank you for this study, I am glad I signed in." Bart, North Carolina Graduate
"I am registering at this time for the next Golden Key Study class, and you may be wondering why, since I have been a minister in Truth for many years. First, I love Dr. Fox's teachings. It was the writings of Emmet Fox that brought me into this teaching and the ministry. I feel ministers too need renewal and refresher studies. Emmet Fox once wrote that the most advanced studies are the fundamentals. He said in one of his writings, instead of reading a more advanced book, read your favorite book over again, and then apply it. Many of us who teach or minister, tend to lose sight of the basics in the midst of all the church business and goings on. I want this to be a time for me to review the basics, which will open up new avenues of thought. There are always new things to learn since Truth is everywhere. Thank you for offering this study and I am looking forward to beginning in October. God bless you and your work." Rev. (name withheld). California
" As I return these answers, I had to tell you that I have been thinking about the most important words in the world, and I have had one revelation of thought after another. This study program certainly has been keeping me on my toes. These are good mental exercised for me. I am enjoying it." Matt, Illinois
" I read the Sermon on the Mount this year which lead me to this web site and this class. This is positively wonderful. I am getting many new insights not just from the course, but from the comments to my question answers. I have been raised in an orthodox religion, so for me, this is a whole new look at life and God. Since I started these lessons, I can't get enough and I have been buying books by Dr. Fox and I cannot put them down. I am so pleased to have been turned on to the Sermon on the Mount and this study. I am very excited about this." Muriel, New York.
"I loved this and am hoping for more. I have taken total responsibility for my creations. Before I took only 80%. It truly developed my consciousness and thank you! Frances, Canada. Graduate
"Thank you so much for the course. I am feeling sad that this is my final lesson...This course has helped me to study and maintain my focus on God. It has provided me with insights and learning. I am very grateful to have been able to take it and appreciate all the feedback you have provided. Thank you and God Bless." Nan, Maine. Graduate
" I recently discovered Emmet Fox and this New Thought. I found a teaching that I have been searching for me entire life. Where have I been all of these years? Born and educated Catholic, I've had many questions making the change from old thought to new thought. I feel that this Golden Key study was written for me since it's answered many of the questions I had been seeking answers to for quite awhile. Because of this study, I have set some goals for myself, and have come to realize at a deep level that I am a son of God. I am sorry to come to the end of these lessons, however, I look forward to the next program at intermediate level." Pete, Ireland. Graduate
"Thank you for this opportunity to grow in consciousness. I really like the study." Bob - Canada Graduate
"I started this study wondering if I could really do this. I was fearful that I would not be good enough at comprehending the material presented or being able to give solid answers. I wanted to make changes in my life and this was a good start for me. I feel so good about myself right now and so good about finishing all of the lessons. I needed this in my life and I loved the challenge. The questions in the course made me do a great deal of thinking. I give the course an A+. Thank you for helping me grow in consciousness." Mary, United Kingdom. Graduate
"Here is my final lesson. I am happy with my progress and appreciate all of the encouragement and corrections to my answers. The replies to my answers gave me clarity and put me on the right path, so to speak. I am thinking about further studies. I am looking at Divine Science study. I am pleased my language was not a barrier. Thank you for this good experience." Alex, Argentina. Graduate
"I took this study as part of my plan for spiritual growth. I am now meditating everyday and I have located a New Thought center to attend. This course was a positive and knowledgeable experience for me all the way. I got a great deal out of the lesson on consciousness. It was good food for my soul. Thank you all. " Dan, California. Graduate
"Thank you so much for your responses to my answers for #2: you have clarified my thoughts about a number of "issues" and have once again been so kind, supportive, and encouraging! yr devoted Golden Key student," Brian, N.Y.
" I want to write about how I love this program. For me New Thought is new. I have read Emmet Fox for a number of years now, but this study broadened my vision of what is called Truth. I am going to think about studying further this teaching. It has helped me personally very much and although I only have a few more lesson to complete the study, I wish I could go on and on with more. I like that it is in Dr. Fox's simplistic style. Thank you to all the instructors for the personal comments." Claudette, France
"This was wonderful. I am new to this philosophy and this course gave me a deeper look at many questions that I had about God and life.. The support and constructive replies to my answers was very good and very appreciated. The steps to contact the Christ Mind was very powerful and I have re-read them over many times. I am a little sad now completing the study, but very happy that I signed up." Mimi, United Kingdom Graduate
"I'm loving the second lesson in the Golden Key Study, it's going to force me to clarify in MY mind WHAT I really believe. Boy this is excellent!!!!
" Cate -U.S.A."This study is a road to unfold your consciousness and expand your awareness. I’ve learned the importance of thoughts. Thoughts are things and manifest. I’ve also learned the importance of meditating and being still and knowing God. I’ve learned the steps for demonstrating. Thank you." Glee Graduate
" I am enjoying this study. It is reinforcing the things I know with my head and am now realizing with my heart. It is making me think about who I really am in the great scheme of things." MaryEllen - UK
"I am on my 4th lesson and I am thoroughly enjoying this study. It is stimulating and helping to teach me to be an independent learner. I find answering the lesson questions very rewarding. Looking forward to lesson five." Geo, Sweden.
"Please find attached my answers for lesson 3. I am thankful for this course to come into my life at this time. It has really challenged my beliefs and revise my thoughts over and over again. Love and Blessings." Maria, Australia
"I want to extend congratulations to all and to Glee and Lauri, and Bonnie, the first three graduates. I too am enjoying the study although I am no where close to the last lesson. I don't have as much time as I would like to spend on this, since I am on the road quite often with business, so I am probably slightly behind the group. The lesson Personality vs Individuality gave me good insight and the study in general is re-enforcing over and over that I and my Father are one. This is the Golden Key." John, Canada