October - November

Emmet Fox E-Zine



Emmet Fox was once described as "a man always gathering wisdom from every area of life." Fox stated" there
is a lesson in everyone we meet and in everything we do." Emmet Fox drew wisdom from
all areas of life, from people, experiences and great writings.

The teachings of Emmet Fox highlight the importance of thanksgiving. The attitude
of thanksgiving opens the way for the fulfillment of our righteous desires. Fox
tells us "Thanksgiving is the action of both faith and love. Faith perceives the
good that is awaiting our claim; love unifies us with the good we desire in body,
mind, and affairs"


July 1886 - August 1951

Your Own Valuation Emmet Fox

The world will take you at your own valuation. Your body will take you at your own
valuation. Your business will take you at your own valuation; for your own value
is the value that you really put upon yourself.
"Oh, but," you may say, "that cannot be true, because I know several people who
are always boasting and pretending and yet no one ever takes them seriously."
Please note that I said the value you really put upon yourself. That important word
makes all the difference in the world. People who boast, bluff, and pretend, have
really a poor opinion of themselves-or why would they pretend? And it is this poor
opinion or sense of inferiority that is demonstrated in the failure that such people
always make of their lives.
The man who really believes that his wares are excellent does not dream of lying
about them. The man who is satisfied with what he is, has no incentive to pretend
to be something he is not. The man who is conscious of substantial achievement has
no desire to boast.
Nature always takes you at your own valuation. Believe you are the child of God-really
believe it. Believe that you express Divine Life, Divine Truth, and Divine Love.
Believe that Divine Wisdom guides you. Believe that God is your supply. Believe
that God is helping and blessing humanity through you yourself. Believe that you
are a special enterprise on the part of God and that He is opening your way-and
what you really believe, that you will demonstrate.

This month and next offers a sacred opportunity to live in appreciation. Autumn is a sacred
gift from God. Cherish every moment of it. God is expressing through the turning
of the leaves, and the gentle frost in the air. Embrace the magnificent beauty
of the season as you feel the power of His presence. Happy Autumn.

"The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness." -- Dalai Lama

Words of Wisdom from Joseph Murphy

I know that my faith in God determines my future. My faith in God means my faith in
all things good. I unite myself now with true ideas and I know the future will be
in the image and likeness of my habitual thinking. "As a man thinketh in his heart
so is he." From this moment forward my thoughts are on; "Whatsoever things are true,
whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are
lovely, and of good report;" day and night I meditate on these things and I know
these seeds (thoughts) which I habitually dwell upon will become a rich harvest
for me. I am the captain of my own soul; I am the master of my fate; for my thought
and feeling are my destiny.


Our Country By: Bess Darnell McKain

Let us not forget our country
On this Thanksgiving Day;
Let us pause in thoughtful silence,
And then reverently pray
That all nations will remember
That our strength came from above;
That we made our nation stronger
With our bonds of faith and love.
And when the day is over,
May we always keep in mind
This love and faith that binds us
To the hearts of all mankind.

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If there is a high road to demonstration, it is through praise and thankgiving.
Giving thanks for the good you expect from your prayer is really another indication
of your faith. Jesus terminates the magnificent "Lord's Prayer" with praise to God
- "For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power and the Glory."
Emmet Fox (From his essay Spiritual Resume)

The Magic of Praise ~ Frank B. Whitney

This Thanksgiving season, one in which people, ordinarily not given to such thought,
find themselves engaged in praise and Thanksgiving. After a day of counting their
blessings, rejoicing in their prosperity, giving thanks for every evidence of God's
love and tender protection, they find that they have made a definite step toward
a new consciousness. The spirit of good cheer and the magical effect of the day
are felt long after Thanksgiving Day has passed.
If you have not made a demonstration, try praise. It will help you to see yourself
as you are seen in God and to know yourself as God sees you. In praising another
you but recognize what man can do; you recognize what you yourself are able to accomplish.
Praise works such miracles that we may think of it as being magical in its action.
Quite often in its work it seems to bring the supernatural to bear upon situations
which appear unsolvable. We have seen praise literally transform people and things.
We have seen it redeem one from the very throes of disease and lack. Praise is a
magical something which bears the same relation to a starved soul that water bears
to a dried-up sponge. Praise coming from one in the consciousness of truth is always
a blessing. If you are not pleased with your situation, begin to praise yourself
(silently), to praise your work, and to praise your life. Remove all thoughts of
criticism and condemnation from your consciousness. You will find that praise will
regenerate your mentality, will renew your mental outlook, and will make prosperous
all that you touch.

Prayer of Gratitude ~ Joseph Murphy

I give thanks sincerely and humbly for all the goodness, truth, and beauty which
flow through me. I. have a grateful, uplifted heart for all the good that has come
to me in mind, body, and affairs. I radiate love and goodwill to all mankind. I
lift them up in my thought and feeling. I always show my gratitude and give thanks
for all my blessings. The grateful heart brings my mind and heart in intimate union
with the creative Power of the Cosmos. My thankful and exalted state of mind leads
me along the ways by which all good things come. "Enter into his gates with thanksgiving,
and into his courts with praise: Be thankful unto him, and bless his name."

Mental Law - Harvey Hardman

LAW governs all mental action. When your mind moves, as in thought, the law of mind
acts. It does not refuse to act when your thought is destructive, nor does it neglect
to act when your thought is constructive and in harmony with the principles of right
action .. With infallible precision it acts to make effective your evil and your
good thoughts alike. For the mental law is impersonal and impartial. Your conscious
mind is the discriminating factor. Even as the ether of space transmits perfectly
a poor radio program as well as a good one, so does the mental law act with equal
impartiality in relation to all your thoughts and desires.

When you know that you are always dealing with an infallible Law on the mental plane,
you will govern your thoughts with scientific understanding. This is the path to
personal power. It is the Law of the Scientific Man.

Stake Your Claim

 You can have true success and happiness in life if you consistently put these truths into practice in your daily living. It is your God - given duty to Stake Your Claim to peace, poise,  power, prosperity and health - and God expects you to be satisfied with nothing less. (Herman Wolhorn)
 ...Friend us on Facebook for daily Emmet Fox quotes.
 ...Visit our book shoppe for books, booklets & vintage audio materials.
 ...We are wholly supported by the love offerings of friends who are grateful for our ministry.
 These monthly e-zines are an additional channel for Truth. It replaces none, and enhances all. These are the echoes of Emmet Fox
 and many of the founding fathers of New Thought.
 Truth reveals itself to the ready mind and open heart. The action of God takes place through these messages,
 and all who read them will be touched in some way. The One Mind is both the writer and the reader. Divine Ideas are its only activity.
 Thank you for your - mail and letters, we love hearing from you. You may write to us at - ccors111@yahoo.com.

Jane, South Africa writes: Thank you for the gift of booklets for our upcoming study group. We so appreciate your generosity.
The daily link to the Emmet Fox quotes is a wonderful way to begin the day on a positive note. Thank you all.

Mary B writes: My old friend who I consider to be a spiritual guide and mentor, Robert, RIP, gifted me with books, literature and prayer treatments from the works of Emmet. I was able to call Bob regularly for prayer treatments that he read directly from Emmet Fox works. I continue to love the teachings in The Sermon on the Mount. I am so truly grateful for the Emmet Fox posts as they come up on my news feed everyday with Divinely inspired words of encouragement and wisdom we all need. Thank you!


Supply Dr. Nona Brooks

If you wish to realize supply, withdraw thought from the contemplation of lack,
and its accompanying inconveniences, and give full attention to ever present abundance.

In The Book Shoppe

Audio's MP3 downloads now available in stereo
Visit the new look and the new site

Books, booklets and E-Courses available

In these powerful books and audio recordings you will discover ways to bring about a more abundant,
peaceful life, free of discord and limitation. Each offer an important message; all of these are a
MUST for your inspirational library
Visit and support our Book Shoppe - supports our mission

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+ + + + + + + + + + + +

 Prayer Ministry
Requests for prayer in realizing health, supply, guidance and harmony in human relationships, are received daily.
Prayer is a very real help in time of need. All communications are confidential. This work is maintained by voluntary offerings.
Send your request for prayer to: ccors111@yahoo.com

Prayer Post requests for prayer are posted ONLY upon request

We invite your participation in prayer each day. Stop at noon (your time) to quietly recognize God
is the one Presence and one Power for good in the universe. Know you are one with His
goodness and the people around you are also part in the universal Whole. Be assured
whenever you pray, there is someone around the world praying with you.
God is blessing you, NOW


The spiritual or inner meaning of "Thanksgiving" is more than Webster's definition of "an act of giving thanks." Thanksgiving is more than the expression of our grateful thoughts to God, for His unending blessings. Thanksgiving has to do with our spiritual attitude toward life. In 1 Thessalonians 5:18 we read, "In everything give thanks." Complaining is so easy. We complain about our job, our family, the weather, our boss, our neighbors, the kids, slow Wi-Fi, long lines, and so much more. Emmet Fox tells us that Thanksgiving is "a joyous and enthusiastic acceptance." Thanksgiving then, is not just a question of whether we are going to give thanks, it is a question of what thoughts we will allow to rule us.
We are what we think. If our thoughts are centered on what is not right in our life, we are setting ourselves up for disappointments, failure & disharmony. Emmet Fox told his students to pause during each day to name at least five things that are personal blessings and then express thanksgiving! What a wonderful exercise for this holiday season.


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May the spirit of the up coming holiday season bring you peace, the gladness of the holiday, give
you hope, and the warmth of the holiday give you love.