August - September

Emmet Fox E-Zine


July 1886 - August 1951

Peace, the Miracle Worker - Emmet Fox

REGENERATION MEANS BUILDING A NEW MENTALITY; that is, creating a new soul in place
of your present one. It does not mean merely improving your present self - it means
producing (through the power of God, of course), a new self.

If you do this, everything else in your life will rapidly change for the better.
Your health will improve. Your appearance will improve because, as you know, the
body is but the reflection of the soul. The world around you will be changed because
you will be seeing it through a new and better personality. Other people will become
much more attractive and friendly to you, and this will be because your soul will
be filled with peace, and therefore you will radiate peace, and other people will
get it intuitively. Everybody likes peace and harmony and they are attracted to
any source from which it comes.

If your heart really is filled with peace "nothing shall by any means hurt you."
But, of course, your heart must be filled with peace and to bring this about you
must desire it more than anything else. This will mean forgiving everyone and harboring
good will toward all.

Naturally you cannot radiate peace if you do not first possess it within yourself.
You cannot radiate anything from the outside. To radiate any quality, that quality
must be within yourself. Hypocrites sometimes try to radiate qualities which they
do not possess or feel, but they always fail to get results in a very short time.

True peace of mind is the short cut to regeneration which requires a fundamental
change in ourselves.
The Master said, Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you


People all across the world still regard the writings of Emmet Fox as a tangible
source of help. It is seventy three years since his journey to the other side, and
his teachings are as powerful today as they were when he served wholeheartedly as
the minister of the Church of the Healing Christ in New York City. His message -sooner
or later you will have to put God first in your life, and your own true spiritual
development must become the only thing that really matters.

Herman Wolhorn, Emmet's dearest friend and associate once described Emmet as "a
man always gathering wisdom from every area of life." Fox told his friend that there
is a lesson in everyone we meet and in everything we do. Emmet Fox drew wisdom from
all areas of life, from people, experiences and great writings. In celebration of
Emmet Fox we share some of the early writers words of wisdom.


A note to Dr. Fox from Mildred Mann:

Attending the class lectures each week is indeed a blessing. Thank you for your
teachings about the Law. Through your words I have found new insights and have come
to know that there is a glorious Presence ever sending a divine radiance into life
every moment of everyday. Thank you also for the opportunity of reflection and transformation.

The Law and You Mildred Mann

The Law is the impersonal aspect of God, sometimes referred to as the One Power,
and sometimes as Principle. It is that which keeps everything in the universe moving
in its appointed place, at its appointed time. There is nothing on this planet,
including humanity, which is not completely affected by that Law. Until we learn
how to work with it, to use it consciously, we are in 'bondage to it. Like any
other law, it has always been, and it will always be. The law of gravity always
existed, but we did not make conscious use of it until Newton discovered it. The
law of electrical discharge always existed, but Benjamin Franklin had to discover
it before we could apply it. The Great Cosmic Law has always been, and always there
have been a few who studied it, understood it, and used it.

The Cosmic Law, as it applies to the human being, is threefold. It consists of the
Law of Growth, the Law of Creative Imagination and the Law of Reciprocal Blessing.

Under the Law of Growth, we learn that the motive power of the Law is Thought. Since
the Law is impersonal, it is not concerned with the type of Thought. It will bring
to pass a manifestation corresponding to whatever Thought influenced it. Feeling
must accompany thought in order to have the Law work, and we must watch our thoughts
and emotions, appraising them for what they are. We realize that we can change our
thought and thus influence the Law to bring events to pass in accordance with that
change. We put ourselves on a diet - a mental diet. We make sure that we are thinking,
speaking and acting positively, all through the day, to the best of our ability,
and we take spiritual medicine once a day, at least, and preferably twice a day,
in the form of meditation. After a while, we find many things have changed, within
as well as without. We are far more perceptive, far more certain of ourselves. We
know things which turn out to be amazingly right, and we find confidence in the
ability to handle our lives. We are using the Law consciously.

Under the Law of Creative Imagination, we learn to speak the Word for ourselves, 
and for others. The Bible tells us, "Thou shall decree a thing, and it shall become
established unto thee." The Word is the Perfect Idea behind everything that is in existtence.
We call for that Perfection by seeing it clearly,  stating it simply, and expecting the Law to bring it forth, and it does.

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One of Emmet Fox's early mentors was J. Porter Mills a Chicago physician and metaphysician.
Dr. Fox admired his teachers, and loved them for the Truth they shared, but he never
considered them infallible. As long as he could learn from them, he remained their
student, but when he reached the level of their knowledge he went on to study deeper.
He was not a follower. He belonged to no organization, and was bound by no creed.
Often he saw himself in imagination, standing on a platform, filled with vitality
and magnetism, encouraging and inspiring others by both his teachings and his own
examples of demonstration. As his vision clarified they became realities. He brought
to hundreds of thousands of people an understanding and technique for prayer and
the conviction that God was Life, Love and Truth.
GOD is Health - Dr. J. Porter Mills

Affirmation - Joseph Murphy

"God is the source of my supply. His riches flow to me freely, copiously, and abundantly.
All my financial and other needs are met at every moment of time and point of space;
there is always a divine surplus."

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Evolving - Emmrt Fox

One of Dr. Fox's frequent expressions was "Every day in every way, we are continually
evolving." "As spiritual beings we continue to evolve," he would say that the evolutionary
process includes trials, errors, personal roadblocks, opportunities, as well as
joyful events. He believed that every experience we encounter, every friendship
and relationship we share, every employment position or business connection we come
upon, and every insight we receive, offers us the opportunity to grow and unfold.
He spoke of man as, "a work in progress;" growing and evolving every minute of
every day, to be that person he or she was meant to be. Dr. Fox believed that all
seeming setbacks were stepping stones to a deeper awareness of the Divine Presence within.

Emmet Fox never felt disconnected from family members even though he knew they did
not understand his New Thought philosophy. He taught that any sense of separation
is an illusion. In God's perfect love, we are one. We are united in Spirit, because
we are all created by God. Emmet Fox saw beyond different opinions, political ideologies,
and beliefs. He reinforced the underlying unity connecting all people.

The History & Destiny of the U.S.

The History & Destiny of the United States. The Mystery of the American Money was
the title of a lecture delivered by Emmet Fox in New York City and in Denver, Colorado
in 1932. The booklet written with much enlightenment was ahead of its time. In the
writing Dr. Fox prophesied. And that prophecy was fulfilled when the U. S. Government
issued a new dollar bill carrying both sides of the Great Seal.

This writing by Emmet Fox was so profound that it was referred to in the 1930's
by William H. Woodin, Secretary of the Treasury and close friend to President Franklin
Roosevelt. Also quotes taken from the essay were made by Amadeo Pietro Giannini,
the founder of the Bank of America. We recently learned that parts of this Emmet Fox lecture also made its way into one of the 4th of July speeches delivered by President Gerald Ford.


Stake Your Claim

 You can have true success and happiness in life if you consistently put these truths into practice in your daily living. It is your God - given duty to Stake Your Claim to peace, poise,  power, prosperity and health - and God expects you to be satisfied with nothing less. (Herman Wolhorn)
 ...Friend us on Facebook for daily Emmet Fox quotes.
 ...Visit our book shoppe for books, booklets & vintage audio materials.
 ...We are wholly supported by the love offerings of friends who are grateful for our ministry.
 These monthly e-zines are an additional channel for Truth. It replaces none, and enhances all. These are the echoes of Emmet Fox
 and many of the founding fathers of New Thought.
 Truth reveals itself to the ready mind and open heart. The action of God takes place through these messages,
 and all who read them will be touched in some way. The One Mind is both the writer and the reader. Divine Ideas are its only activity.
 Thank you for your - mail and letters, we love hearing from you. You may write to us at -

Jack D writes:  I took a trip to the Netherlands and found Emmet Fox's book, Diagrams for Living.
Then I stumbled across your website. I have been looking for Truth and I've found it with your help.
and plan to continue on this beautiful path. Thank you!


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In these powerful books and audio recordings you will discover ways to bring about a more abundant,
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 Prayer Ministry
Requests for prayer in realizing health, supply, guidance and harmony in human relationships, are received daily.
Prayer is a very real help in time of need. All communications are confidential. This work is maintained by voluntary offerings.
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We invite your participation in prayer each day. Stop at noon (your time) to quietly recognize God
is the one Presence and one Power for good in the universe. Know you are one with His
goodness and the people around you are also part in the universal Whole. Be assured
whenever you pray, there is someone around the world praying with you.
God is blessing you, NOW



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