July Emmet Fox E-Zine

Celebrating Emmet Fox

July 30, 1886 - August 13, 1951




Practice makes perfect. This familiar proverb embodies one of the great laws of

human nature. To become proficient in any field you must practice. There is simply

no achievement without practice, and the more practice, provided it is done intelligently,

the greater will be the proficiency and the sooner will it be attained. This is

true in the study of music, in the study of a foreign language, in learning to swim

or skate or ski or fly. It is true in every conceivable branch of human endeavor.

Practice is the price of proficiency.

In business life and in any kind of management or administration, experience is

the form that practice takes, and here again it is practice that makes perfect.

That is why, other things being equal, an older person is usually to be selected

for responsible positions rather than a younger.

In metaphysics the effects of this law are particularly striking. Thought control

is entirely a matter of intelligent practice. And true religion may well be summed

up as the Practice of the Presence of God. But note that I said intelligent practice. Violent

forcing is not intelligent practice, nor is monotonous plodding. Practice is the

secret of attainment.

"Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only" (Jas. 1 :22).


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One of Emmet Fox's early mentors was J. Porter Mills a Chicago physician and metaphysician. Dr. Fox admired his teachers, and loved them for the Truth they shared, but he never considered them infallible. As long as he could learn from them, he remained their student, but when he reached the level of their knowledge he went on to study deeper. He was not a follower. He belonged to no organization, and was bound by no creed. Often he saw himself in imagination, standing on a platform, filled with vitality and magnetism, encouraging and inspiring others by both his teachings and his own examples of demonstration. As his vision clarified they became realities. He brought to hundreds of thousands of people an understanding and technique for prayer and the conviction that God was Life, Love and Truth. 
GOD is Health - Dr. J. Porter Mills"

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People all across the world still regard the writings of Emmet Fox as a tangible source of help. It is sixty eight years since his journey to the other side, and his teachings are as powerful today as they were when he served wholeheartedly as the minister of the Church of the Healing Christ in New York City. His message -sooner or later you will have to put God first in your life, and your own true spiritual development must become the only thing that really maters.  Herman Wolhorn, Emmet's dearest friend and associate once described Emmet as "a man always gathering wisdom from every area of life." Fox told his friend that there is a lesson in everyone we meet and in everything we do. Emmet Fox drew wisdom from all areas of life, from people, experiences and great writings. In celebration of Emmet Fox we share this early writer's words of wisdom.  "Attending the class lectures each week is indeed a blessing. Thank you for your teachings about the Law. Through your words I have found new insights and have come to know that there is a glorious Presence ever sending a divine radiance into life every moment of everyday. Thank you also for the opportunity of reflection and transformation." Mildred Mann


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Some Fox Facts:

Emmet was raised in a Irish, Catholic home, and studied under the Jesuit order

His parents referred to him as "A Healer" at the age of six.

He studied Ralph Waldo Emerson in depth.

One of his personal New Thought teachers was a physician named Porter Mills, of Chicago, IL

Friend of Judge Troward, He gave his first lecture, in Mortimer Hall in London in 1928. This was with the encouragement of Dr. Harry Gaze and Judge Troward.

He came to America in 1931 at the invitation of Dr. Herman Wolhorn, who would later became his closest and dearest friend.

He was ordained by Dr. Nona Brooks of Divine Science.

He became pastor of the Church of the Healing Christ in New York City, where he remained for twenty years.

Emmet Fox taught that no matter what the threatening dangers in our world of appearances are, we can go untouched and unharmed by carrying a rich consciousness of God's protecting presence.

Emmet Fox wrote numerous books and booklets including, "The Sermon on the Mount." Many of his writings are still in circulation.

His Sunday lectures often drew attendances in the numbers of five to eight thousand people.

He past from this earth on August 13, 1951 in Paris, France from a cerebral hemorrhage.

In his booklet "Life After Death," Emmet noted: "There is not death. We leave our bodies and move on to the next plane of existence.
 " Emmet graduated from the school of life, here on earth with honors, and the words "Well Done" remain part of legacy.



You are in your true nature, a divine being and you are one with God--now.

The Law of Being is perfect, unbreakable harmony.

You cannot know anything or experience anything except your own states of mind; and these you can change by intelligent and persistent effort .

. You demonstrate whatever you really believe.

Any deed or any happening is but the shadow cast by a thought.

Divine Love is absolutely all powerful, and is not limited by conditions.

We do not pretend that we are not sick when we are; we say that inharmony is not substantial. It is a passing shadow cast by wrong thinking,

which can be removed by the right thought.

The secret of happiness and harmony is Peace of Mind-and there is no other. You find Peace of Mind by getting right with God.

It is always a mistake to force anything. The right thing comes without violence.

This too will pass. Nothing in the material world lasts or is of transcendent importance.

There is positively no hurry.

As thy thoughts, so shall thy days be.


Stake Your Claim

You can have true success and happiness in life if you consistently put these truths into practice in your daily living. It is your God - given duty to Stake Your Claim to peace, poise,

power, prosperity and health - and God expects you to be satisfied with nothing less. (Herman Wolhorn)

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...We are wholly supported by the love offerings of friends who are grateful for our ministry.

These monthly e-zines are an additional channel for Truth. It replaces none, and enhances all. These are the echoes of Emmet Fox

and many of the founding fathers of New Thought.

Truth reveals itself to the ready mind and open heart. The action of God takes place through these messages,

and all who read them will be touched in some way. The One Mind is both the writer and the reader. Divine Ideas are its only activity.

Thank you for your -mails and letters, we love hearing from you. You may write to us at - ccors111@yahoo.com.

Carl W writes : The audio "Sermon on the Mount" is a wonderful product for folks like myself who simply don't have the time to sit down and read the book. I listen to this on my road trips and, I get so much comfort and wisdom from this wonderful audio book. Thank you.


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